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Sunday, January 26, 2014

A review of Angeli by Jody Wallace

Angeli, by Jody Wallace is an interesting story. The premise being that some aliens have come to rescue Earth, or Terra, from another species that seek to suck the souls or kill humans. These aliens, called Angeli, have determined that the easiest way to get humans to accept them is by masquerading as angels sent from God, the Christian god specifically. The story begins with Gregori, the head Angeli, as he is fighting some daemons on Terra after the "apocalypse" has already come. He meets Adelita, a 20-something law student trying to fulfill her bucket list before she dies. The beginning of this story is extremely confusing. It took a good 30 pages before I could make sense of what was going on the story. However odd it may have seemed, the story definitely held my attention. There was a definite romantic note to the story, once Adelita, a religious Catholic, understands that Gregori is not an angel, but a humanoid from another planet. There is a bit of a subplot involving the intentions of Ship, the sentient computer that is the vessel the aliens travel on around the galaxy. In one humorous scene, Adelita makes a pro and con list labeled "Hal or Not Hal", a fine nod to classic alien movies (2001, specifically). It seems that from Adelita's perspective, Ship's motives are not as pure as Gregori and his team would like to think. In all, this was a fun book to read, although a bit light on the specifics, details and facts. The action was well done, and overall, I would recommend this book to sci-if fans. ARC provided by NetGalley

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