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Sunday, December 1, 2013

The Cleansing by Sam Kates

The Cleansing is an interesting tale with a very of-the-moment theme: the Doomsday Virus. Throw in some thousands-of-years old aliens, a few cultural references, and you've got one heck of an action story. I found it fascinating that "the people" believe themselves to be above and better than humans, who they refer to as drones, but that their behavior is as human as you can get. Some, like both Milandra and Peter, are sympathetic to the human cause, even after spending thousands of years watching us commit all manner of violent acts on each other. Others, like Simone and Troy, are cruel, violent and epitomize the very worst of humanity while still feeling superior. I enjoyed how the author made us guess who was going to be a "good guy" (for lack of a better word), and who a "bad guy". There were some interesting surprises along the way, here, which added to the originality and excitement of the story. In all, I throughly enjoyed his book. ARC copy provided by Netgalley

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